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Prof. Santolo Meo


Santolo Meo graduated with honors from the University Federico II of Naples where currently is full professor of power electronics.

He develops its teaching activity as professor of courses on

1.       Industrial Electronics;

2.       Fundamentals of Power electronics;

3.       Power electronic converters: modelling and control;  

for students of the Master’s degree in electrical engineering and for students of the Bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering.

He is the Scientific Director of the Laboratory of Power Electronics of Federico II University ( His research is oriented to the field of power electronics, control of electrical drives and energy conversion.

He is the author of over 150 publications in scientific journals and proceedings of international conferences in the field of power electronics with H index = 23 (SCOPUS database).

- He is Senior Member of the International Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IEEE); - He is Editor-In-Chief of the International Review of Electrical Engineering (IREE);

- He is Editor-In-Chief of the International Review on Modelling and Simulations (IREMOS); - He is member of the Editorial Board of International Transaction on Electrical Energy Systems – Wiley;

- He is member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Photoenergy;

- He is member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal on Energy Conversion (IRECON);

- He is member of the Scientific Committee of the 4th International Conference on “Advances in Electrical, Electronics,  Information, Communication and Bio-Informatics- AEEICB’18, 28th February  2018, organized by the Departments of  Electronics and Communication, Electrical and Electronic engineering, Computer Science, Information Technology and Biotechnology of Prathyusha Institute of Technology and Management, INDIA.

- He is member of the Scientific Poles of Excellence of EURNEX, the EUropean rail Research Network of Excellence.

- He is reviewer of Renewable Energy (Elsevier), of IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics and of IEEE Transaction of Industrial Electronics.

- He is Evaluator for the Ministry of University and Research PRIN and FIRB projects;

- He is foreign examiner of many PhD Theses from many Universities of the World;

- He is member of the Commission appointed by the Prefect of Naples – Italy - for the Supervision of public events as expert electrician;

- He is member of the Board of Directors of ADISURC, (Campania Region) for the education claim;

- He is responsible for numerous consulting agreements on issues related to the use of alternative energies, and on issues relating to transport;

- He has been Scientific Committee member of the 2nd International Conference on “Advances in Electrical, Electronics,  Information, Communication and Bio-Informatics- AEEICB’16, 22nd and 23rd January 2016, organized by the Departments of Electronics and Communication, Electrical and Electronic engineering, Computer Science, Information Technology and Biotechnology of Prathyusha Institute of Technology and Management, INDIA.

- He has been chairman of many International Congresses;

- He was member of the Scientific Committee of the International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics and Computing Technologies. (ICAEECT’14), held on 27th and 28th of March, 2014, organized by the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Cape Institute of Technology, Tamilnadu, India.

- He was member of the International Scientific Committee of the International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (Europes);

- He has been advisory committee member of the International Conference on Advancements in Automation and Control (ICAAC2014) held in Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram, Tamil Nadu, India April 11 and 12, 2014;

- He was (6 academic years) a member of the Board of Directors of the TEST (Technology, Environment, Safety, Transport) competence center of Campania Region;

- He has been member of the Board of Directors of ADISU, (Campania Region) for the education claim;

- He was a member of the Academic Senate (7 academic years) and of the Board of Directors (for 6 academic years) of the University of Naples Federico II;

- He was delegated by the Rector to sign the diplomas of graduates qualified to practice at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Naples Federico II.